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Mission & Vision

We believe at Answer the Call Ministries our first purpose is to know Jesus Christ and to serve Him in such a way that causes others to know Him.

We believe our purpose is to spread the gospel to the world. Matt. 28:19 Jesus clearly says if we love Him we will keep His commandments. In the great commision we are commanded to preach the gospel and teach others to obey all that Jesus taught us to do and say. We believe that there is a hell created by God for the judgment of the devil and his angels and that God intends for no-one to go there. We believe that Jesus Christ's shed blood, death on the cross, and resurrection from the grave is Gods provision for us to be saved from hell. We believe that anyone who rejects Gods provision by failing to repent of their sins,  and turn their life's ownership over to Christ to obey Him will certainly go to hell against God's wishes.

We believe according to Ephesians 4:1-17 that God has called His Church together in real unity of the faith. Fourfold ministries should be brought to maturity and brought to order so that Jesus Glorious Bride is also brought to perfection/maturity and that all Christians are equipped to do the work that Jesus called them to do. Answer the Calls commission from God is a very real and practical manifestation of Ezekiel 37 where the bride is called together each to their proper place, being filled with the very breath of God the Bride stands to her feet an exceedingly great army!

We believe that God will be raising up the Apostolic/Prophetic union in which all revelation of His will is to be revealed (Ephesians 3:4-5). This must be done city-by-city, territory-by-territory, and nation-by-nation. This will stop the dullness and deprivation that currently has infiltrated the Church of God illegally. The honor of Gods ways and Gods plans must be restored. The honor of Gods kingdom government must be restored in order for the true worship to be realized.

We also believe that God wants us to deliberately unite with other ministries in order to obey Gods call to unity and we believe that God has willed for the whole body to come together to accomplish His will. We recognize that we need each other in order to actually succeed and that without this unity we certainly shall fail. We also believe that religion (defined as church without God) wants to gather to unity. We believe that the true unity involves holiness and that the things that religion would like to gather together is not necessarily what God wants to gather. Therefore it is our belief that God alone is sovereign Lord and that His word is infallible completely trustworthy and appropriate for modern instruction today.

We also believe that the above mentioned restorations will lead the Church to an intimacy with God that just doesn't make us happy but also will make the Lord happy. Jesus asked us a question. When the Son of Man returns will He find faith on the earth? Lets get serious about the business of coming into the unity of the faith unto a mature man according to the fullness of the stature of Christ!

We believe that denominations are sinful in nature as they divide Christ and fail to obey Christs commands which include unity. We believe that doctrinal disagreements are the cause and therefore as the early church taught only one doctrine called the Apostles Doctrine, that we must labor to see this sacred unity restored. In 1 Corinthians 4:17 Timothy was sent to Ephesus to remind them of the teachings and ways that Paul taught in every church everywhere!

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